Henry VI

directed by Thomas Jolly / La Piccola Familia
May 2d-17th 2015

by William Shakespeare

in two 9 hours cycles
Du 02 au 17 mai 2015 2015

Berthier 17e
with Johann Abiola, Damien Avice, Bruno Bayeux, Nathan Bernat, Geoffrey Carey, Gilles Chabrier, Éric Challier, Alexandre Dain, Flora Diguet, Anne Dupuis, Antonin Durand, Émeline Frémont, Damien Gabriac, Thomas Germaine, Thomas Jolly, Nicolas Jullien, Pier Lamandé, Martin Legros, Charline Porrone, Jean-Marc Talbot, Manon Thorel

For the last four years, Thomas Jolly and his theater company La Piccola Familia have been working on one, single work.  The last episode will crown the epic journey of fifteen acts and ten thousand lines, bringing together more than one hundred and fifty characters.  In the three parts of HENRY VI,  Jolly watches the chaos as it grows, first draped in the airs of a grotesque fiesta, then dropping into tragic gravity before spinning into a dizzying maelstrom of extreme and raw violence.  This movement, which is also « thought taking off », was deliberately drawn with a single, continuous stroke, and you are carried along on an 18 hour river of stage performance (intermissions included).  Since January, 2012 when the first cycle of this epic project saw the light of day, his vision has aroused extraordinary adhesion on the part of his audience.  Thomas Jolly believes in theater.  And he created this mammoth work so that we could believe along with him.