La Double Inconstance

[The Double Inconstancy]

by Marivaux

directed by Galin Stoev

duration 2h

Du 09 au 24 mars 2021 2021

Odéon 6e

cast :
Léo Bahon
Maud Gripon
Aymeric Lecerf
(changing over with)
Thibault Vinçon
Thibaut Prigent
Jean-Christophe Quenon
Mélodie Richard
Clémentine Verdier

Harlequin and Sylvia are stubbornly in love. Which is quite a problem for the Prince, himself in love with Sylvia, since he is not allowed to use force to break up their couple. Then again, some forms of violence can be insidiously gentle… Director Stoev sees the lovers’ bond « as a white mouse » that is to be experimented upon until the desired result is achieved by those who run the lab. He excels at staging the disquieting charm of one of France’s most celebrated and subtle plawrights, whom he considers as « a precursor of our post-truth days » : what is true, what is false indeed, if true love, this most « sincere » and « natural » of feelings, falls for such traps ?