Antoine et Cléopâtre

[Antony and Cleopatra]


by William Shakespeare

directed by Célie Pauthe

estimated duration 3h45

Du 05 au 27 mai 2021 2021

Berthier 17e

Guillaume Costanza
Maud Gripon
Dea Liane
Régis Lux
Glenn Marausse
Eugène Marcuse
Mounir Margoum
Mahshad Mokhberi
Mélodie Richard
Adrien Serre
Lounès Tazaïrt
Assane Timbo
Bénédicte Villain

Antony and Cleopatra’s salad days are long past. He is married to Octavian's sister; she has been great Caesar’s lover. The Roman general and the Egyptian queen both know how to use their charm as a weapon, and they both intend to do so as soon as they meet. And yet, when nothing seems to matter but ambition and the balance of power, the do find love and come to share a common vision : that of a world where the Tiber and the Nile might finally flow as one. With Bérénice, Célie Pauthe has already staged Racine’s version of that dream at the Ateliers Berthier. She will once again direct Mélodie Richard and Mounir Margoum in its Shakespearian counterpart.