La Réponse des Hommes

[Mankind's Answer]


a show by Tiphaine Raffier

estimated duration 3h15

Du 27 au 20 février 2021 2021

Berthier 17e

Sharif Andoura
Éric Challier
Teddy Chawa
Pep Garrigues
François Godart
Camille Lucas
Édith Mérieau
Judith Morisseau
Catherine Morlot
Adrien Rouyard

Guy-Loup Boisneau
Émile Carlioz
Clotilde Lacroix
Romain Louveau

How do we find our way around in ethical matters? According to Tiphaine Raffier, theatre is « the one place that can both separate and reconcile people », where the needs and urgencies of concrete life can be measured at leisure against moral standards. In her new play, inspired by Kieslowski's Decalogue, she imagines situations that put to the test some of the norms and guidelines of human action. These situations illustrate and discuss nine of the fifteen Christian « works of mercy », offering as many occasions to scrutinize "the archaic or contemporary moral dilemmas and anxieties that we are faced with".